Tuesday, May 20, 2008

England to win 3 zip

The English cricket team are an amazing bread of players.

Batsmen who look the part, talk the talk, get the plaudits, and produce very little.

Bowlers who are rejects from the ford agency.

And wicket keepers that come on a conveyor belt of pasty balding fumblers who can bat a bit.

It’s a weird mix.

On top of this, about every 2 years England has a new saviour, someone to deliver them to the promise land.

England’s recent list of saviours

Harmy, who, if he was a gladiator, would eat the lion one day, and get eaten by a mouse the next.

Freddy, the drunkard superstar who can do anything on a cricket field, if only he was regularly on them.

KP was South African, but unfortunately he had to pledge his allegiance to England so many times he his now English, and therefore not the saviour.

And let us not forget Monty, who we were all assured was going to usher in a new breed of spin success for England, and now just gets in the way of a Yorkshire leggie.

New Zealand are New Zealand, and no one can deny them that.

Prince Brendan is a one man wrecking crew.

The perfect boyfriend Oram is a one man wrecking crew.

And Daniel Vettori is a foreman, who operates his two one man wrecking crews.

Other than that everyone is a battler.

Some, like Taylor, could be one man wrecking crews, but they keep destroying themselves.

Chris Martin, a man who looks so dodgy, Daniel Flynn bats with his wallet in his creams, can bowl a bit, so can former Adonis Kyle Mills.

Jamie How is something, we are just not sure what at the moment.

So where does this leave this series.

England maybe could have won, but they went for the draw.

New Zealand could never have won, but they finished on top.

England have a lot of improving to do.

New Zealand are playing in their 99th percentile.

England 3 zip it is, I like to stick by my guns, even when I’m shooting myself in the foot....
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