Tuesday, May 27, 2008

IPL report

Some people may say that I have abandoned the IPL.

Those people are black liars.

I haven't abandoned it, I've just been busy.

So here is some IPL news for you.

According to the brilliantly titled gay bombay website, MS Dhoni is the player that most gay bombayites would like to convert.

Dhoni shit it in, and as he likes to win, and be thought of as hot, so I am sure he was very pleased.

Like a candle in the wind at number two was Yuvraj Singh, yet again he loses to MS Dhoni.

The third man in and completing an MS sandwich of Yuvraj was one of my favourite players in the IPL, Gony (read this about him), who would be the sort of cricketer Tony Greig would label as "Broad Shouldered".

Surprisingly the Gam bombayians don't like the Vanilla men, instead they crave the chocolate.

Bollywood aspirant Brett Lee, Curvey Warney, Jelly Bean Watson and baby faced Morkel all came in the rear.

I should probably edit that last line.

Megahottie Graeme "I can't get a date" Smith got no votes.

Neither did Kamran Akmal.

The hottest team was the Kings XI Punjab, that team was surely named to appeal to the pink dollars.

For real coverage of the IPL go to Well Pitched.

Or for Buñuelesque rants on the IPL go here.www.cricketwithballs.com

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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