Wednesday, May 14, 2008

IPL bombs

Darren Berry is a tough bastard.

He is built like a pick up truck, carrying a large round pile of hay.

In all the years I saw him play for Victoria I never saw him back down to anyone.

If you were dating his sister, you would make sure she broke up with you.

But right at the moment he is scared, even if he calls it "uncomfortable".

Bombs have gone off in Jaipur, killing up to 80 people.

If this was Pakistan, or Sri Lanka, Warne and Smith would be sipping champagne in first class, a cold beer in business for Watson and Berry.

But India, like England, seems to convince people to stay, even if all logic declares otherwise.

According to the Americans
"The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, attacks by extreme leftist Naxalites and Maoists in eastern and central India, assaults by ethno-linguistic nationalists in the northeastern states, and terrorist strikes nationwide by Islamic extremists took more than 2,300 lives this year," the agency said.
I am not one for trusting Americans, but if that is right, 2,300 people seems alot to die from terrorism in one year.

Pakistan lost a tour because some one assassinated someone we all know.

Andrew Symond said he was nervous about going there.

But give him a cheque and he is happy to fly just over the boarder where a mere 2,300 non famous people have been killed.

The only cricket ground in the world that has been targeted that i know of is the MCG.

Players continue to travel here.

As they do to London, and as they have to India.

The difference now is that it is happening in the city of Jaipur, home of the Royal Warnes, and Darren Berry certainly seemed to notice.
"It is terrifying. To think I was standing in the exact location the bombs went off only two days ago ... it was a couple of kilometres from the team hotel. The whole country has gone into lockdown."
I know money talks, and I know that is why Pakistan and Sri Lanka struggle to overcome their bomb blasts, but Shane Watson is a contracted Cricket Australia player.

The same cricket Australia who said Pakistan was not for them.

The obvious decision is that they pull young shane home, he is the sort of dude who gets injured thinking about eating Ice Cream.

The IPL has already decided that the next game will be played in Jaipur, not shifted somewhere else, which is one of two things.

1) Arrogant we don't bow down to terrorism crap.


2) Money talks realism.

This is going to be an interesting couple of days.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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