Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MacGill Monty Miriam Threesome

OK person who googled the title of this post four times to get to the site instead of [b]KEEPING YOUR SICK FANTASIES TO YOURSELF,[/b] you win. Here is your post.
The answer to your googlequery is: that is one heck of a wierd threesome and I do NOT want in. In fact, I now need some, or possibly all, of the following to scrub from my brain the vision that you have implanted: SoapLysolBrillo pad A refiner's fire100 Hail Mary'sNight out drinking Chumbawamba cocktails on an empty stomachConcussion from Brett Lee or James AndersonThat flashy blinky thing from "Men In Black"Lobotomy<p align="justify">
If, however, IF I happened to be into the kind of thing that you, googler, are clearly into (and I'm saying nothing), and if you happened to google any of the following, the answer would be ohgodyesplease:
Vettori Oram Miriam Threesome (needs absolutely no explanation)Dhoni Gony Miriam Threesome (oh the pretty ones)Dirty Dirk Eyelids Miriam Threesome (I have a thing for the Vics in England, so sue me)Ryder Chawla Miriam Threesome (I can't begin to explain this even if I tried, and I probably shouldn't). <p align="justify">
<p align="justify">[b]Other wacky google searches from today:[/b]
<p align="justify">why are some men so vain (because they are trying to compensate for something)
<p align="justify">england v new zealand chasing inflatable jelly bean (oh, alright, it's here)
<p align="justify">and all of the following:
cricketer's sisters supermodelscricketer's supermodel wivessouth african cricketer sister supermodelsupermodel sister of famous cricketersupermodel wives to famous cricketerswhich cricketer has supermodel sisterwhich cricketer sister and wife are supermodels?<p align="justify">(as you want to know so badly, your persistence is rewarded: you are probably looking for Cindy Nel, but (a) she's no longer Jacques Kallis' girlfriend, and (b) I'm not actually sure that she is Andre Nel's sister. The other possibility I can think of is Neil McKenzie, whose sister Megan is a model. Honestly, I am way too good to you people).
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Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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