Sunday, January 13, 2008

waca pitch report

I’m guessing that a vast majority you didn’t see the might vics 3peat against the warriors.

For the international fans you missed seeing one aussie team claim a catch against another aussie team just to prove we would claim a catch off our grandmother in the backyard to get her out.

For the Australian fans you missed seeing David Hussey prove he can do everything on a cricket field.

But the other important thing about the game was its location.

The waca is now 2 days from a test, and even though the 2020 game was played on another deck, this may give us our best indication yet of what sort of wicket we have in store.

Having watched Dirty Dirk Nannes you would have to say it is going to be very very fast surface.

I have seen Dirty Dirk bowl faster than that, but I have not seen so many good batsmen be rushed for pace. I rate Adam Voges, not as much as the selectors do, but he looked like he was yards behind Dirty Dirk at all times.

How fast is Dirty Dirk, the gun said 140-145, I’ve seen him reach 148. He is more than quick enough, he is what my old man would call an arm pit bowler, and you can never feel comfortable against him.

Tait and Lee can bowl at least 5-7 clicks quicker than him, so I can’t see how they will be any more comfortable to play than Dirty Dirk was.

Johnson is the same pace as him, but probably not as aggressive, but few are.

The pitch is very quick, but it is not as bouncy as the old waca wicket, but one bouncer still went over the keepers head and Shane Harwood sliced a ball for six over third man.

It has good carry, natural bounce and is quicker than the recent waca surface.

But fast bowlers do get ahead oh themselves on these pitches, you would think Lee is clever enough not too, but Tait, Johnson and Sharma may get a bit excited, you know boys and their toys.

I don’t think the Indians will need to order in more arm guards "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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