Friday, January 18, 2008

day 3 report of sorts

Today I had a cricket smorgasbord.

I sat at the G watching the Vics bumble around against Tassie, whilst watching the small MCG screens channel 9’s vision and abc’s radio commentary.

One thing I found out, if you are watching two games at once, the slow over rates don’t bother you as much.

My internet connection still isn’t working at the G, so I worte this at the ground but had to wait till now to post it.

First session

Yesterday Australia went out to a lot on swinging balls, this session India went to a lot of straight balls.


Sehwag played over, around, next to, and no where near a pretty straight ball from Clarke.

Dravid prodded at a straight one from Lee.

Lee worked Sachin over for ages before going wide of the crease and bowling a straight one that Sachin tried to play to mid wicket.

Then Ganguly fulfilled my prophecy about him not troubling the scores much at the Waca. So there angry commenter from a few days ago, not a personal vendetta, just a guestimate based on his form on quickish decks. His shot was woeful.

I sense a conspiracy in the way Ganguly has batted in Australia, he picks the one bowler I really want dropped, and goes out to him. This time he donated to the save the Johnson campaign.

Johnson is making Tait look good, although Tait isn’t getting much of a chance to look bad.

In a session where all of India’s recent god like batsmen showed their stuff, Irfan Pathan looked the best.


Tait looks unfit, out of match practice and flat. I’ve seen him bowl a lot, but I’ve never seen him look this beige. He isn’t even bowling good wides.

Second Session

The middle session was really really boring.

Who would have thought a session in which Dhoni and Laxman batted together would be boring.

Part of the reason was How Dhoni batted. Anil must have told him if he went out, he’d never be able to date a bollywood star again. I’ve never seen him bat so responsibly.

Laxman batted ok, but Australia seemed to keep him in some sort of check.

Then Ponting, clearly over Johnson and Tait, bowled Michael Clarke and Roy (bowling medium pace) for what seemed like a 45 over spell.

I’m sure it wasn’t quite that long, but it felt that way.

Finally Roy turned to off spinners and somehow Dhoni swept a ball into his shoulder that bounced to Gilly.

Then Kumble continued to stretch further than any batsmen ever and still edged a Roy straight one to slip.

At tea, 8 for is probably flattering both sides, as neither really tried to win that session.

Session Three

RP played a little cameo of 30, that included facing a whole over of Tait from square leg.

Eventually RP went out, then Laxman went out and Australia were given the job of chasing 400 odd.

Pleasing signs for Australia were that if RP Singh can make 30, then the wicket can’t be that bad.

Rogers continued his bad game, he played an on the move defensive shot to Pathan.

Then Jacques eventually married a ball outside off stump, before that it had been just been harmless flirting.

Australia found themselves 2 for.

Ponting looked good. He really doesn’t like to lose. And Australia can’t make 400 without him making at least 150.

I would be very surprised if he failed, this is his record, his legacy, and if the 150 odd in the 2005 ashes are anything to go by he won’t go down easily.

The problem for Australia is at the other end, King Probot is not the King Probot he used to be, right now I think his brother is a better batsmen.

Clarke could makes runs just to spite me, but I don’t like backing horses with bad form.

Symonds is the wild card. Who knows what he could do.

If Gilly comes in with more than 100 to get they have no "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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