Sunday, January 20, 2008

new blog features

I just updated my blog to have a players we like, and a players we don’t like section.

Surprisingly the players we don’t like section is incredibly slim.

Maybe we aren’t as negative as I thought.

Obviously Sourav Ganguly is in it.

And of even less surprise 2 South Africans are in it.

Also 2 boys from New Texas (qld) made the list.

Most surprising is the choice of a Pakistani.

But that’s all it has, only 4 countries.

No Englishman, no Sri Lankans, not even a Kiwi.

The list of players we like is far more inclusive.

The only country not listed is England, which is not listed in either category, which means Sime hasn’t gotten around to his KP is everything wrong with cricket blog and I haven’t written about how much I like Freddy.

The fact a South African has made the players we like list does bother the other two part time correspondents.

But fu©k em, cause I like andre nel, it’s my cross to bare.

Some people, Christians and positive people, will think the word hate is bad, but i believe hate is a beautiful emotion, as least as important as love.

I think Geirge Lucas got it wrong, i don't believe hate leads to the dark side.

In a cricket sense if their weren't players we hated, we'd be beige. Cricket is a sport where almost anyone can be a villian, in Australia we love Roy, overseas cricket fans seem to hate him.

Ganguly is hated in pretty much all countries, but in India he is loved.

Isn't that "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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