Sunday, January 13, 2008

3 peat for vic 2020 side

The Victorian Bushrangers have just won their 3rd straight 2020 big bash championship.

Sure they had to cheat to do it, but if the vics were in a final and none of them did anything dodgy I’d feel let down.

I now believe, more than ever, that the one day and four day state competitions should be cancelled and we should only have state 2020 titles.

The vics probably win this tournament cause its harder for their bowlers to break down in 4 over spells.

CWB's Bryce McGain probably got smashed more than he did in any other game, but his first ball went straight through the warriors best batsmen Pomersbach.

Dirty Dirk Nannes and Future PM David Hussey were everywhere for the Vics.

Was some great commentating in the match, especially by Allan Border and Jamie Cox.

AB hit all new heights when he said “I’m lost for words”.

Every time AB gives commentary his batting looks better in comparison.

Greg Blewett couldn’t even remember the name of his co commentator Ryan Campbell.

If you would like a fullish report of the match feel free to read "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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