Friday, January 11, 2008

sehwag the slapper

Sehwag just slapped a quick fire hundred, 113 off 78.

While it is promising, and may actually mean our Sehwag has returned, the bowling line up of this side is hardly potent.

Sehwag should have been expected to make runs in this game, the fact that most of us still thought he’d struggle, shows just how average he currently is.

Let us not forget that even Wasim “waving bats at cars” Jaffer made runs in this game, so Sehwag's form line still doesn’t look good.

What is good is that he didn’t graft out an innings against ©rap bowling, he slapped them around like he was Ike Turner.

Since he came into the game he has been one of my favourite batsmen.

He sort of bats like a un constipated version of Sachin, you know, more free flowing, looser.

He came into the side just as the little master became the little grafter.

Sehwag is not as talented as Sachin, hell other than Lara, who is, but it’s more about the process with him.

The lofting of balls he could play on the ground, the improvisation when none is required and the fact that he batted like cricket was a game and not a paycheque.

I hope he does find his old form, as he is still reasonably young.

Hopefully when he makes it back to the main side he doesn’t do what other good players have done when they get older.

Start playing like he is putting his kids through college.

A grafting Sehwag would be a horrible sight to behold.

Oh and Yuvraj failed again. I’m now deleting the post I wrote about how much I love him, as it looks like I will have no need to use it on this "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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