Wednesday, January 16, 2008

session update lunch day two

Now I’m watching the cricket on a screen big enough to see the action, the Waca decides to give me some.

7 wickets in a session.

Let’s start with the wicket that started it all.

Clark hits Dhoni’s pads, he appeals, I look back to the paper, I look up and Dhoni is out.

Perhaps international umpires get confused at the Waca, but if they read the press kit they’d know it does bounce a little more than usual grounds.

From there the Indian tail collapsed, the pitch may have been a nice patch for the Indian top order, but the tail were ordinary.

Especially being that Pathan and Kumble are century makers.

Kumble got dropped at point, and then continued to fling his bat until he got caught there, ya gotsta love his dedication.

Then the aussies came out, both left arm quicks were swinging the ball, and Pathan in particular was looking good.

Chris Rogers got a beauty away through covers, then got hit on the pads by Pathan nut slipping down the legside.

Yet again I looked away, and yet again a bad decision was made.

Rogers can take some recourse that at least the height was good.

Bias against Indian’s and red nuts…

Then fabulous Phil got sucked in by a late swinging half volley and was caught in the slips.

I saw Pathan bowling in the nets at Melbourne, he looked pretty good that day, apparently he’s been itching to get out there.

Then RP woke up and King Probot Hussey played what could best be called a waft on the up. He managed to tickle it through to Dhoni and the Indians had 3/18.

Clarke got off the mark with an edge through slips that got him more runs than he managed in the entire Sydney test.

I’ve been critical of Kumble’s field placings in this series, but for Ponting he had a great field for a left armer swinging in late.

Leg Slip and short mid wicket, they seemed to have Ponting in 3 minds as the ball came down.

Ponting should make runs, ie, no Harbhajan, and he definitely looked the best of the aussies so far, which is like saying he is the tallest of the dwarves.

Can you still say dwarves?

Clarke has another chance to prove his worth today, he has had a lot of them, but so far his runs seem to come when we are in a commanding position.

3/18 is not so commanding.

If Australia doesn’t lose a wicket by tea, 3/120 is not too bad, but 2 more wickets and its ladies take off your knickers "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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