Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is gilly a goner?

According to Rodney Hogg, Gilly can leave the game when ever he wants to.

I have never ever believed ©rap like that.

Champion players should get more leeway than other plays, no doubt, but the side is always more important than the player.

Right now Gilly is struggling for form with the bat.

But his career record is not great against India, but people think he bats well against them because of one knock.

Sure it was the sort of knock you’d watch instead of having $ex with Russian twins, but it was still only one knock.

India is the only side he averages less than 40 against.

He just made a match winning score in the world cup final, all be it with the aide of a little black ball, so his form is not Shane Watson bad.

It’s his form with the gloves that is most troubling.

He is dropping catches and missing stumpings.

That’s less than good. Bert Oldfield is turning over in his grave, but maintaining his soft hands.

Mind you he has never been a superstar keeper, I cringe when people refer to him as a great keeper.

As an allrounder he is a better keeper than say Jacques Kallis is a bowler, but his keeping is not of Garfield Sobers bowling level. If that makes sense.

Boucher and Gilchrist may be the premier wicket keepers in the world, but they don’t really rate against even the most recent generation of wicket keepers like Khan, Healy, Russell, and Richardson.

Gilchrist may have changed the world of cricket for ever.

Positively, by batting in a manner that has inspired all teams to score quickly and take on attacks.

Negatively, by ensuring all test teams have batsmen who wear gloves.

Right now Australia is not in a position to allow the selection of a keeper who regularly misses chances.

I’m not saying we drop him straight away, but surely the selectors must make him aware that getting 20 wickets for the new team is not as easy as it used to be. So he either starts taking the chances or he starts posing for a sculptor.

After all he is older than Bryce McGain, who is older than Jesus, so retirement is not the worst thing that can happen to "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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