Sunday, January 27, 2008

Session update day 5 - tea

Sehwag is still in, he’s a little more mundane, but perhaps the other players have drained the life from him.

Cricket vampires I suggest.

Ganguly played against the spirit of the game, good on him.

He scooped up a ball to cover and stood there with a hey I didn’t sleep with your sister grin until the cameras proved otherwise.

Laxman got a tickle to one down the legside.

And the test continues to soldier on to a draw, even as Bill and Mark continue to pretend otherwise.

My commentary test for the Next test series in Australia is Rodney Hogg, Mark Ridgway, Damien Fleming, Keith Stackpole, Kerry O’Keefe, Mark Waugh and Richie.

That is all I "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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