Thursday, January 17, 2008

session update tea day two

I said 2 more wickets and the panties come off.

Well if Sachin could catch that’s exactly what would have happened.

His drop of Roy was pretty bad, and with Ponting out, Clarke falling the next over it was a drop that may come back to bite him on the painted white cheeks.

Instead India find themselves in one of those um, we think we are happy positions.

They are certainly not in a bad position, 5 for 140 odd is pretty good, but Roy and Gilly are starting to look dangerous.

Would have been nice for India if the Sharma Mantis could run and catch.

Mark my words, one day he may knee himself in the face.

This leads us nicely to Ponting.

I’m not sure who this man is with the rug, but I’d prefer to have Rick(y) Ponting back.

I was happy to see Sharma get wickets, he certainly bowled well enough in Sydney to get a few, but Ponting just sort of left his bat outside his body and then steered one to slip.

Was a very soft dismissal.

Mind you the highlight of the wicket was Sharma’s celebration, he ran past all his teams mates and then gave a weird jump in the air with all of the exuberance of Lee, but with none of the co ordination.

He may be the first fast bowler to injure himself celebrating. If he does this for every wicket I would like him to have a 15 year career.

Last session I said Clarke had a lot to prove in the way of batting under wickets falling pressure.

He failed again.

Sharma got him with a beauty, but I ask you, did you ever think Symonds would be a more solid test batsman under pressure than Clarke.

Should be a ripping last session, problem is I have indoor cricket, so I will be taping this, because if Roy and Gilly stay in I wanna see every moment of "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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