Sunday, January 18, 2009

Were they writing a play?

Can you really believe how long it took Australia to bowl 2 balls?

I understand South Africa only needed 8 off 2 and Albie the destroyer was at the crease, but was a 3 minute chat really required.

Hilfy and Ponting should have decided the ball in 8 seconds, taken 15 seconds to set the field, and then got on with it.

It didn’t need Algonquin round table with Bracken and White there.

Surely the plans for Albie were in place before they hit the field, all the needed to do was agree to which plan and then set the field accordingly.

Instead it seemed to be a discussion topic, i was half expecting King Probot to come over with a clip board and start taking notes.

And then, after that one ball, which Albie slapped for a single, and South Africa could not win, there was another long delay.


Surely the message was as simple as this, don’t bowl a noball or a wide.

Yet Hilfy and Ponting still had a chat, before White ran over to tell Ponting that he looks good in green.

Teams bowling second in white ball games seem to be able to make the innings take as long as they deem necessary.

South Africa in the first 2020 game were appalling.

While Johan Botha looked lost, every second South African was moving the field, and the innings seemed to go for a month.

I am sure the ICC are right on this though, and any day now they will come up with runs penalties, or something similar for sides who can’t fit their overs into the alotted times.

After all we know how good they are at fixing the problems of world cricket.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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