Friday, January 9, 2009

Hodge’s box is empty

The ivory towers have opened.

Andrew Hilditch has decided to speak to Australia’s 25 contracted players about their performances.

This should have been happening for years.

Part of being a contracted cricketer should be discussions with the selectors.

Ofcourse, Australia keeps picking players who aren’t contracted, Siddle, Warner, McDonald, Hauritz and Harris.

For some reason I just assumed that players regularly spoke to selectors, contracted or otherwise.

Hell I used to speak to Trevor Hohns when he was a selector, as we were the only two watching state games.

And if I can, surely the players have access.

I couldn’t believe it when Bryce McGain told me he had never had a chat with the selectors, especially since he was picked for Australia’s next tour after I talked to him.

His only contact with them was through the media.

That is pathetic.

I can understand the instinct not to talk to the players if you are a selector.

You hold their dreams in your hands, and you often have to shit in theirs.

That is part of the job though.

Although certain players would be tougher than others.

Andrew Hilditch: So, Brad, what would you like to talk about?

Unnamed Batsman: Why aren’t I in the team?

AH: Which team?

UB: All of them!

AH: Well Brad, team balance and other factors..

UB: Bullshit, tell me why?

AH: It’s not easy to…


AH: No need to yell Brad, it’s just that um…


AH: You are a smart ass little Victorian turd and I hate you.

UB: Fair enough, good to get it clarified.

AH: Ummm I see, well ok, is that um all then?

UB: Yes, I’ll see you next week.

AH: Ohhhk.

Funnily Brad Hodge has yet to receive the email from CA to organise his chat yet.

Bet the other players have theirs though…

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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