Monday, January 19, 2009

Bogan calls Supervillain a kaffir

Some Tasmanian fool has called Morne Morkel a racist term.

Just like it says in the title.

This Tasmanian has been charged with racial vilification or something.

He should also be taught a little about the word.

Kaffir: a blanket term for black southern Africans.

Now I have seen Morne Morkel in the flesh, the white flesh.

See the problem here, calling a white person a black person’s slur is a bit stupid.

If you are going to be a racist, try and be an intelligent about it.

According to the South African press “It is apparently quite normal in Australia for South Africans, irrespective of their race, to be referred to as kaffirs”.

I’m not saying it’s not true, but I will say this, I lived with a South African, worked with a bunch of them, and had others as friends, never have I heard a South African be called a kaffir.

The last time I remember hearing the phrase was in the Power of One.

And it wasn’t directed at Stephen Dorff.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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