Monday, January 12, 2009

Boof wants to organise the cones

Darren Lehmann has already put his name forward for coaching the English side.

I don’t know if anyone asked him.

That doesn’t matter these days, he has put his name forward in the media, which is the first part of the application.

He would possibly be the opposite of Moores.

Let us imagine what an Boof as English coach would be.

Coach Boof; Alright you fuckers, these cunts fucking piss me off, so were gonna fucken kill em, but lets look at the planning. Freddy it’s your shout, none of that warm beer shit. Bell it’s you for the pizzas tonight. And Colly your on for the Macca’s breakfast tomorrow.

Boof burps.

CB: Cooky what are you smoking these days?

Cook: Magnum Classics.

CB: Sounds like poofs ciggies to me, check my bag, should be a couple of cartons of Winnie Blues in there. Now Monty is out, cause he bores the fuck out of me, we have brought this Rashid in. We are going to put 3 or 4 guys around the bat at all times, and Swanny is going to be up the other end, same deal for him. Now Swanny your also going to be chief sledger, you’re a smart ass little prick, and I think we can use that. Any questions?

Bell: For our fitness…

CB: Whoa buddy, fuck that, no fitness, ever, I never needed it, neither will you.

Strauss: I would just like to say that it is an absolute pleasure to have Darren here, we are delighted that he has chosen to help us with our endeavours, and we are very excited to learn from his vast experiences.

CB: Fucken Oath. Oh and Owah, we're having friend chicken for lunch, so find a good place and hook us up.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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