Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Australia retain there near perfect ignorance of Pakistan

The PCB know the writing is on the wall.

Australia aint going to Pakistan in April for a bunch of one dayers.

Not now, not then, and probably never.

It’s now over 10 years since Australia visited Pakistan, and that isn’t about to end soon.

Other sides have gone, all have made it out alive.

Imran Khan said this in Australia,

“Terrorists rely on support from the masses because that's where they get their recruits, and cricket is a game which is so loved and there's such passion in Pakistan, that the terrorists know that if a cricket match is bombed, they've had it. "The public will just turn against them."

He has a point.

You would have to be a fucken dumb terrorist to attack the game of the people.

However I am guessing it only takes one dumb terrorist to blow up a bus.

I have no problem with Australia not touring Pakistan, if they didn’t tour other countries with constant terrorist activity.

Don’t say no to Pakistan and yes to India.

And its that hypocrisy, and also the hypocrisy of sending an A team to Pakistan and not the main team that really shits me.

If Mumbai and London has taught us anything, it’s that Cricket is not safe from terrorism anywhere on the map.

The MCG has had Australian terrorists wanting to blow it up.

This shit goes on everywhere.

Since 98 Australia has played one dayers against Pakistan in Kenya and India, reflect on that.

“We want Australia to play in Pakistan but our first priority is to ensure the series is played. We have to be realistic, flexible and pragmatic about having this series”.

Ejaz Butt said that, he knows that getting an Australian to Pakistan is like getting a Born Again Christian in an orgy.

The home series for Pakistan will now go ahead in England, Malaysia or some other place where the terrorists wont scare the Australians much.

Well as long as the aussies don’t take the tube.

There is one sure way to get Australian's into Pakistan, but it involves New York, Afghanistan, Republicans, and who has the time.


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