Thursday, January 22, 2009

hayden v zaheer

Gideon Haigh is all over Matthew Hayden's retirement over here, although, not once is his Christianity mocked, no one is perfect.

He has illuminated why Zaheer Khan hates Matthew Hayden so much.

It's from the 2003 world cup, and i was there, but i couldn't hear the sledging, surprisingly.

I had heard before that Hayden had said things that Zaheer had held onto to this very day.

According to Gideon, those words were,

"Smell that, Z? That's your house in India burning down."

It's ridiculous, funny, hurtful, and brilliantly cutting, surprising that Hayden came up with it.

It's so good that you can see why it has driven Zaheer against Hayden and Australia from them on in.

Don't tell me sledging isn't good, look at the furiousness on Khan's face when he bowls to Hayden.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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