Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prince Brendan reunited with his boring older man

The Australian 2020 competition just got weirder.

I started with Sohail Tanvir.

Then it got way weirder with Umar Gul.

And now it is just fucken odd.

Prince Brendan McCullum is playing.

Only one game though.

The final.

What does that tell you?

South Australia are rubbish.

Western Australia cannot produce quality quick bowlers.

And NSWales is afraid of losing to Victoria.

Soft cocks.

Victoria has no Hodge, Hussey, or White, and NSWales has still opened the cheque book.


Ok the truth is probably further from my truth.

Prince Brendan and NSWales are planning for the Champion’s league.

The Prince is making sure he has double the chance of making the big league, and NSWales are employing a heavy hitter in case their top Australian players are busy, and also someone they know is proven in 2020 cricket in India.

It makes sense, even if it does seem mercenary.

Plus Prince Brendan hasn't been the same since he separated from his soulmate, word's most bring man Matthew Mott, in India.

They are meant to be together, even if the NZC don't agree.

Victoria are probably shitty they didn’t think of it first, but with Hodge injured, perhaps they have made a call to Matthew Sinclair already, if not Jesse or Ross.

Not everyone is happy though, Andrew Symonds, who once used a loophole in county cricket to keep a kid who actually planned to play for England out of the side, called it UnAustralian.

Actually it’s very Australian.

Do anything you can to win a meaningless tournament.

Can’t get more Australian than that.

It is however UnNewZealandian to let a player play for cash in Australia, usually it’s India.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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