Thursday, January 22, 2009

county gets half a million

558,950 attended county cricket games this year.

Comparing that to Australian domestic cricket that sounds like a shit load.

Ofcourse there are 76 county teams, and they all play 65 county matches.


Apparently the crowd averages out to 2000 people per county match.

I went to 4 county games this year, and only one of them would have had 2000 and it was the championship decider that Liam Dawson made his ton that I mentioned in the last post.

The first Shoaib Ahktar game i saw would have struggled to break a thousand, his second game, might have pushed 1500.

The game i saw down at Kent probably had close to a thousand.

In essence it's the same sort of crowds Australian shield games get, but there are more games.

Also 1000 people down in Kent does seem a few people, most of my state games have been at the MCG where 1000 people seems like 3.

Covering all 4 of England's domestic crowd the total came to 1.5 million people.

Sure there ae alot of games played, but that sounds pretty damn healthy to me.

That could fill the MCG 15 times over.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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