Sunday, January 25, 2009

Roy, Drunkards aren’t in this season

There was a time in Australian cricket where doing an interview drunk would have been par for the course.

Many fans, Australian or otherwise, still feel the same way.

How many press conferences have you heard players wank on about playing hard, respecting the opposition and so forth whilst wishing they would say anything interesting.

One sure way to make sure we pay attention to player interviews would be to feed them alcohol before hand.

As much as we might think Roy is a dickhead right now, at least we know what he really thinks of the NSWales decision to pull in Prince Brendan for the 2020 final.

Calling Brendan McCullum a “lump of shit” may have been the reason he got peoples attention, but it all starts when you say the truth.

Now Roy may be a bit of a dickhead, and over the last 2 years his brain may have actually turned into boiled cabbage, but at least he is saying what he thinks, not what he thinks people think he should think.

How he said it was less than classy, but that he said something he felt deeply enough he said when he was sober (the day before without the shit comment), and then when he was drunk, so we know he really felt it.

Do you agree with him, well that is up to you, but he said something, an actual something, something that Jeremy Snape and his brand of sports quacks wouldn’t have liked, something that he felt.

Cricket Australia will crack down on him, this is a family cricket team now, and with his previous indiscretions they will feel the need to do something to him.

I am just not sure it is called for, he said Lump of Shit, he didn’t say Brendan McCullum is a mother fucker who deserves to be shot on site when he enters Australia, he didn't even call him a terrorist or a paedophile.

Did he make an error of judgement, probably, but really, what is a lump of shit between friends?

Some of my best friends are lumps of shit.

Had he not said Lump of Shit, his drunken performance may have gone unnoticed.

Now it might end his career.

I want to live in a world where a player can be asked a question and answer “yeah I had to do that, the coach told me to, he is a lump of shit.”

Not sure James Sutherland will share my visions of a lump of shit utopia.

Few do.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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