Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shoaib Malik not sacked, and not captain

Some may be surprised to know that Pakistan still plays cricket, and not just in the ICL.

Well they do.

And Shoaib Malik used to be captain.


"We haven't sacked Malik. In fact, I met Malik and told him about the situation, as the whole nation felt disappointed over the team's poor performance and a lot of people wanted a change. That is why I requested Malik to step down and he gracefully accepted"
Said some anal retentive administracrat trying to save face and give good PR.


Ofcourse he was fucken sacked.

The quote should have been,

"Look we got fucken whacked by Sri Lanka and i looked at Shoaib and realised he was a work experience boy wearing his daddy's green pyjamas and thought, fuck this, oi kid, sorry you are out, someone get Younis on the phone".
So now Younis Elvis Khan is taking over.

The person who was supposed to be captain anyway, but apparently wanted staliniesque powers before, so they chose Mailk.

Now they have caved in, and South Australia's second best batsmen is captain of Pakistan.

Ofcourse the position is an honorary title in test cricket.


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