Monday, January 12, 2009

Hayden's balls career

As it's after midnight here and I am buggered, i will have to put the Hayden end of career post up tomorrow.

But I can still quickly upload a quick collection of previous posts about him.


Does the most Christian day of the year inspire Matt Hayden into dominating the G like only Don Bradman has before?


Does Matthew Hayden, part time chef, photographer and cricketer actually see himself as the son of god reborn?


Matthew Hayden â€" John Wayne â€" The Searchers or pretty much any film he was in.

I’m probably not the first person to make this comparison, but just cause it’s obvious don’t make it untrue. The duke understood the west, and some days he would have just sat there and watched it, just like Hayden sitting on the pitch the day before a test. In the searchers John goes a little too far, there is macho domination, and then there is being an arrogant bully. Sound like any opening batsmen we know?


Hayden is a Christian soldier. Like Dubya Bush before him, he is an evangelical fighter who doesn’t let knowledge or common sense affect his anger.


Well it was pitched near the crack, and he tried to slog it over mid on.

Was it ugly?

Yeah, but he kept his head down, and at least it was an attacking shot.

What now?

He will go off to make cook books and do lifestyle shows with Stuart MacGill.

Is that a fate worse than death?



And Matty Hayden likes to ask himself what would Jesus do, sometimes that is call India 3rd world, and other times its sledge Graeme Smith.

Well Jesus would retire now, and not just because he has bad hands, but because if you stick around too long and do little, you tarnish all your afterlife.


Matty Hayden - bats like a 14 year old kid beating the sh1t out of a 10 year old kid.


Harbhajan Singh is an obnoxious weed (little or otherwise).

Matthew Hayden is one of the most disliked figures in the game (the word pr1ck comes to mind).

So they are both right.


And now that he is retired, if he should find himself in London for next years ashes, others may not select him, but i will happily fit him into my charity side.

He can bat at 8, and bowl medium pace.

And then cook the BBQ.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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