Saturday, July 5, 2008

Shane Watson may soon be illegal

The world anti doping agency is looking at banning calves blood.

Watson is more cow than man.

So far they have not looked into Rooster Combs, but surely that will be the next one.

Overnight Watson won a match for Australia after a mathematical mistake meant he bowled the last over.

After all the money, time and hair care products the Australian’s have put into Watson, I believe they should work him into the ground right now.

Because if this bovine juice gets put on the list, he will get injured or banned shortly thereafter.

Sure he won the IPL, and sure he just made his first international tonne, but once he is no longer the Mutant Chicken Beef Casserole he is right now, he is the same old basket case he has always been.

As for the people who believe I was the one who suggested to Wada that these injections should be banned, I say this, I never thought of that.

Is that all we had to do to bring back the bumbling jelly bean version of Watson, suggest to Wada that cows blood a chicken bits are pferformance enhancing.

Had there ever been more evidence of this than his form since the injections.

I'm an Idiot.

But does banning calves blood and rooster combs spell the end for Shane Watson?

No, because even if he is a basket case, we all know he will be selected

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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