Thursday, July 17, 2008

a draw is like watching your sister have sex with your dad (not good)

"We've started the series really well. To get South Africa on the back foot as we did on the first three days - I can't ask any more.”

MP Vaughan

I can’t ask for anything more.

I can’t ask for a victory, because that would be asking for more.

No a draw will do me, a draw is good, proper, and English.

He should be fucken angry as.

His team took 3 wickets in 2 days.

I don’t care if you are actually bowling on a road, that is shit house.

How could anyone be satisfied with that?

Is this a team, or a social outreach centre.

Balls up man.

Get angry, expect your team to win.

And when they don’t tell them you aren’t happy with draws.

No one should be happy with draws.

Fire them up.

Don’t sit back and pat them on the ass for what was an average performance.

It was a draw.

6 draws on the trot at Lords, doesn’t stop the fact you had the saffers by the nuts and dropped them.

3 wickets in 2 days, there are no positives there.

You should be embarrassed.

You should demand your team steps up.

You should be so furious that little jokes in the locker room end with you breaking something over some ones (KP) head.

You should say I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it any more.

Dear God man, this is test cricket, not some park game.

Step the fuck

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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