Sunday, July 13, 2008

The amazingly boring adventures of Neil McKenzie

Neil McKenzie stated that he is over his OCD toilet and sticky tape realted nonsense of yesteryear.

Then why is he sporting unkempt stubble?

He is not a rock star.

He is not a sex symbol.

And he is not swarthy.

So why the stubble Neil?

Could it be the fact you were not out over night, and this is some sort of remnant of OCD?

Why am I talking about stubble you may ask, that’s because this may have been a great session of test match cricket, but very little happened, there isn’t a great deal to talk about.

It was tense and tight, and other adjectives that mean similar things.

McKenzie is scoring at a run rate of 20, and that probably double in the last 5 overs.

Smith is like a giant leg less crab.

England are willing to give Monty 45 overs, and hope the ball reverse swings a lot more than the odd angry inch it is at the moment.

Graeme Smith smashed a ball to Tim Ambrose and England decided the only sportsmanlike decision was not to appeal.

Monty had McKenzie so plumb that some batsman may have walked.

South Africa have taken an extremely English approach tho this innings, they have decided to just sit at the crease and let the bowlers probe and probe.

The English commentators seem to think this is the right approach, big surprise.

Monty was given free reign, and guys like Monty and Vettori are bowling machines in this sort of situation, they just keep the ball in the right spot for hours on end.

How England did not get a wicket in that session astounds me, but they would want to get 2 this session, otherwise they will have been in the field for 150 overs, and South Africa will be set on a pretty nice wicket to bat

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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