Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mendis to break the record of one of the greats

I am really looking forward to the upcoming test series between Sri Lanka and India.

And not just because I am sick and tired of looking at boring white cricketers.

I just can’t wait to see Ajantha Mendis beat Brian Lara’s record.

Brian Lara never took a wicket, in 131 tests, but I bet you money that Mendis will take at least one.

Then he shall be better than Brian Lara statistically, and in the eyes of the huddled unwashed masses.

Brian Lara was a fine cricketer, but did he ever invent a delivery, or did he ever bowl any mystery balls, no.

One word for that, soft.

Lara’s record is not that hard to get by, Darren Pattinson just did it, but Mendis will smash it, before he gets worked out.

In other news, Sachin Tendulakar is still playing test cricket.

Who knew.www.cricketwithballs.com

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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