Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Video Killed the Umpiring Star (yeah totally with it title)

Umpires are taking a big step forward in becoming coat racks with the referral system being introduced today.

The ICC has trialled the referral system in county cricket and found it doesn’t work very well without hawk eye, so they are allowing hawk eye in, but not the predictive aspects.

The predictive aspects of hawk eye are what i like to get wanky guestimations based on bullshit.

In the Sydney test, or bastard monkey gate as it is now known, Andrew Symonds was given not out by the third umpire in a decision, that although was not 100% conclusive, could have gone either way.

People still complained.

Third umpire decisions are often the source of people’s malcontent.

Because Videos don’t make decisions, people do, and people see with their eyes, their very human eyes, and human eyes all seem to see things differently.

How many times have you heard two commentators disagree with each other over the potential third umpire decision? Once, twice, thrice?

So while this system may stop some mistakes, it’s not going to please everyone like some cricketing form of Viagra.

People will still say:

Home sides get a better run.

Australia gets all the decisions.

This umpire has always had it in for us.

South African’s always cheat.

Darrel Hair hates dark people (yeah I said that, but it’s still a whinge).

This wouldn’t have happened with umpires who understand the conditions.

And whatever else negative people say to make their side look like the poor unfortunates, rather than the over rated cry babies they most likely are.

On a sad note, the referral system will not be used for all decisions.

The dismissal type, timed out, will not be able to be checked by the third umpire as Hawk Eye does not have a stop

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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