Monday, July 14, 2008

time for a culling

Disclaimer, if you do not believe Tony Greig is the reason bambi's mother died, this post filled with expletives and character assassination may not be for you.

Cricinfo have just completed a survey on who is the most popular cricket commentator in the world.

Harsha Bhogle just pipped Ravi Shastri and Richie Benaud.

Not a bad top 3, but I would think Michael Holding was unlucky to miss the top 3.

That isn’t the problem though, the problem is at number 4.

Tony fucken Greig.

What the fuck?

Tony Greig?

How did he even get in the top ten, in the top hundred, the top thousand.

I was at a bar once watching cricket, and this guy was oozing blood from a wound on his neck, and that blood had bacteria in it, and the bacteria was more insightful on the state of play that Tony.

Then to add insult to herpes, he gets voted most entertaining.

What is that, an ironic award now.

How could he be more entertaining than Bumble, Boycott or Lawry.

Anyone who voted for Tony should be terminated, slowly.

If you ever needed proof the world was filled with fuckwits, this is it.

I thought i was finished but I'm not.

Tony Greig is a name dropping, attention seeking, money grabbing, loyalty diving, asian bride hating, parasite who feeds on the very game that made him.

He will go to any lengths to profit from cricket, and can't even get the players names right.

But above all that, he is a shit commentator.


Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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