Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And for the 2nd test he rose

Freddy Flintoff is in.

Everyone else can bugger the fuck off.

M Vaughan said Freddy would not be there to sprinkle dust.

I concur, he is there to play cricket.

Freddy is a superstar, he is worth 95% of the 20 million England will end up being paid from Big crazy Al.

The only question now is whom will be ousted for him to be inned.

Is it Paul Collingwood, and reading between Vaughan;s amazingly subtle lines, you would think it may be.

Is it Stuart Broad? He’s batting damn well at the moment, and in some cultures that keeps number eights in test teams.

Is it KP? Whose hundred was scored at such a rate his nationality is now more at question than ever before.

Is it Simon Jones? Who is not in the team, but according to last months TWC cannot be held back by any member of the team in his opinion.

Is it M Vaughan? Because he said sprinkle dust, and Freddy misinterpreted that comment and punched him on the button, causing Vaughan to go into a silver spooned fit.

Is it Monty? Freddy’s personality is way too blokey for Monty to take.

Who ever he replaces he will be more viewing pleasure than, even if we have to put up with the Freddy media circus for another week or two.www.cricketwithballs.com

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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