Friday, July 25, 2008

bratich wins matches

Mitchell Johnson has made the correct decision in leaving New Texas, formerly known as Queensland.

The correct reason is Jessica Bratich, Australian national karate champion, seen here in official karate uniform.

The other reason it was correct is because New Texas were an old and dodgy rabble last year.

And if he continues to not take wickets in test cricket he may mind himself playing a bit more state cricket.

Although with her in Perth, he must be tempted not to tour.

This may explain why he didn’t play in the IPL.

Bratich has had one mention on this site before, although not by name, "The real winner is Mitchell Johnson, his girl is extraordinary." from the obo of the Allan Border medal.

Miss Field see this as some sort of victory for Western Australian cricket, the truth is that only Mithcell is the winner here.

Unless a home made video of the couple hits the market, and then we are all

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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