Monday, July 14, 2008

the wisden cricketer, the elvis and eminem fo the cricket blogging communtie

It is now clear why the wisden cricketer was pottering around looking for blogs to award.

To steal our ideas.

First it was blogging.

They have about 83 people writing over there.

Some are staff, John Stern, editor at large, and Ed Craig, ginger club cricketer and deputy editor are tearing it up along with a swag of other people who own TWC coffee mugs.

Then they have the journalists and ex cricketers trotting out bloggy goodness.

The real star of the show is the cricket blogging communities very own George Clooney, King Cricket.

He is all over the place with his dazzling array of witty cricket commentary.

And just when you thought they couldn’t steal anything more, they also have a fan page on facebook.

I think John Stern should be concerned with his charges, clearly they are all blogging whores who play facebook scrabble with one

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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