Saturday, March 22, 2008

Uncle J Rod's guide to writing a cricket blog - episode 3

So now you have a name, and know how to promote your blog.

But what is your blog?

A p1sstaking English blog?

A forum like Indian blog?

A sane and balanced Pakistani blog?

Only you will know.

Your blog should have some sort of a theme, so that peple go hey isn' that the fire starting Zimbabwean blog.

If you have a personality, this will be easy.

If not, you are probably a Christian or Scientologist and perhaps cricket blogging is not for you.

Cricket blogs are like an extension of your personality, so if you are an @sshole, then your blog shall be an @sshole. If you are a fair and balanced person, then your blog will be boring and no one will read it.

You want people to read your blog and get a brief understanding of who you are, then clean it up and make yourself look way cooler.

Cricket blogs are generally about general stuff about general cricket issues.

But now there are so many blogs, that it’s hard to get a foot hold in the market place just talking about how much you hate South Africans.

May I suggest Niche Cricket Blogging.

Currently there is no regularly updated blogs on,

Wicket Keeping

Running between wickets.

Cricketers girlfriends/wives/mistresses/boyfriends/pets


Paul Adams

The cut shot.

You need to find a way to stand out from the crowd, which for the Indians is going to be the hardest, so why not write a blog devoted to the minnows.

You could do one on the kittens, or Ireland or the Kenyans.

Or pick a star on the rise and have an Ishant Sharma or Bryce McGain blog.

What about a blog devoted to Dhoni’s hair that could be fun.

I know the basic idea of blogging is to get out all those voices from your head, and take over the world with Andre Nel, but who is to say whilst bagging Dhoni’s hair you couldn’t do this.

Example. Michael Vaughn is hopelessly lost today, he just doesn’t look right, like Dhoni with Jerry Curls.

You’re only limited by your creativity, so you are severely limited.

What about a blog where you translate all the ICC press release into pig latin, or try and find born again Christian metaphors on Cric Info.

The possibilities are endless, now fly my pretties……… "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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