Wednesday, March 19, 2008

one cowboy leaves, another enters town

For those of you who have not already spotted it, I also have a footy blog ( I know atheist, where do I get the time).

When I say footy, I mean AFL, Australian rules, etc.

The blog is called Footy On Ice, and is a conglomerate of all the best and worse footy minds I know.

Ofcourse Sime and Big Daddy are involved, although Sime is, obviously, too busy with his cat Donut (the lad) to actually write.

We also have the talanted Miss Field from across the Nullabor, who is lending us h Fremantle knowledge.

Acclaimed Hoops journalist Toddavich gives us his views on me, and the Brisbane bears. Neither he is an expert in.

Lastly on the blog is DoubleD, if the Zombies were coming, and I had two bullets left, I’d shoot him twice. He is contributing the Sydney content of this site.

So if you’re a footy fan, pop over and say "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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