Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Australia pull out of Pakistan

Actually they postponed, and to be fair they never penetrated Pakistan in the first place.

Apparently there are some juicy spots open in 2009 or 10 for the tour to go ahead.

Like I have been saying all along, this is a massive conspiracy against Cricket With Balls Own Nice Bryce McGain.

And it works no matter which way I fold, either there isn’t really a lot terrorism going on, and Cricket Australia have just decided to use it as an excuse not to pick him

Or, home grown terrorists have called their Pakistani brethren and said if you bomb a few people we can make sure there are no Victorians in the Australian team.

Both seem quite plausible.

Australia were never going to tour Pakistan, and that’s there right, but the whole teasing of Pakistan has gone on way too long.

Don’t give a dude some tongue, and then tell him you aint gonna sleep with him while he feels you up, just walk about of the bedroom.

How does this affect Nice Bryce’s career, well his first tour now, assuming he is selected (big assumption) is against the Windies.

So like Warne before him he will run through their captain (whomever it is that day) and then start a 14 year career.

Not even Pakistani nut jobs can stop him from fulfilling his true calling in life.

And i'd like some love for being able to make middle east conflict a personal affront to victorian cricketers, that takes some skill.www.cricketwithballs.com "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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