Thursday, March 20, 2008

the case for quotas

The quota system will bring success, joy and happiness to the South African cricket team.

South Africa is a nation of 50 million people, about 45 million of them are coloured, so bringing the game to them is what is going to secure the future of South African cricket.

That the South Africans have done so well with only one good black player, and one good coloured player is a real testament to how well the 5 million have performed, but imagine them with a whole nation of 50 million to choose from.

Also by playing coloured players who aren’t good enough to get a game, it means that for the next 10 to 15 years at least they will be ©rapper than they should be.

The quota system is way cool, because it confuses liberals who want black people to be given more of a chance but don’t think that it’s fair white people should be discriminated against.

Conservative types are confused by it too, as on the face of it it’s white guilt gone mad and they can rant on about it for hours, but its also a ruling that sh1ts them to the very core of their Reagan/Thatcherisms.

With a new world order in South Africa, we all know that one day all the whities will be run out of town, and only the darkies will be left, so shouldn’t they be giving the darkies a chance whilst the whities can guide them.

Makhaya Ntini was once a quota selection.

And could you imagine a South African side with just white dudes in it, I mean how much do you (by that I mean me) hate them already, so that would take it to a much higher level.

The quota simply must "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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