Thursday, March 20, 2008

celebrate the world hates graeme day

It’s some sort of Equinox.

I don’t really understand or care about this, but some commenters to this site seemed to think this was a sign of global unity.

Who am I to argue?

But then they went further and said that the real sign of Global Unity is the fact everyone in the world hates Graeme Smith.

I would like to believe this is true, but alas, not everyone knows Graeme Smith in the world, which is probably the only reason more people don’t hate him.

But if they did…….

America could hate him for out arroganting its Olympic men’s bakestball team.

Iran would hate him for the amount of times he comes out and says things that embarrass his people.

Playground bullies would hate him, as he gives bullies a bad name.

Any talented person who is poor would hate him, because he is untalented a rich.

The raelians would hate him because he does not understand that cloning and giving the raelians headquarters in Jerusalem are the only way to salvation.

Canadians would hate him, because he would remind them of Americans.

Nice guys who can’t get laid would hate him, because he gets laid, and is far from nice.

Pets would hate him, because they would feel nervous around him.

Lebanese goat herders would hate him, because as we know he hates goats.

However there are some people who may like him.

The Germaine for president society would love him, cause he proves everything they have been saying for some time.

Those Mongolian matriarchal women would love him, because he proves matriarchy is a viable option.

The Lesbian coalition of Turkey would love him, because he would convert new members.

South Africans would love him, because they don’t know any better.

Today let us celebrate the first ever the world hates graeme day.

You can do this by beating up your neighbours kid, telling your friends your better than them, or picking up a girl who is clearly "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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