Friday, March 14, 2008

grid iron, giant bugs and harold crick

For the last 3 weeks I have been working 15 and 16 hour days.

For someone as lazy as me it has been horrifying.

It also meant I haven’t seen a lot of cricket, or any movies.

Well tonight I made up for the film bit by watching three.

The first was Varsity Blues, the safe obvious MTV grid iron flick, with James Van Der Chin and Paul Walker.

After reading about Cameron White and his leadership qualities earlier today and watching James strut around as an artsy jock I realised the parallels were seemingly non existent.

Other than the fact they were both young leaders, and have square shoulders.

But I did ask myself how Cameron White would handle Jon Voight as coach of the bushrangers.

Then I thought about how Cameron White would have gone acting in Midnight Cowboy.

How would he and Dustin have reacted off each other, would the homosexual nature of the film bothered him.

Then I watched a scanner darkly, and suddenly the whole the English cricket team made sense to me.

They are constantly paranoid, all confused, not sure who they are, and at any time they might turn into bugs and turn each other in.

I could imagine being on a couch opposite Stevd Harmison as he turned into a bug.

Infact I think Steve may have started as a bug and turned into a human, well into someone who inhabits a human type shell.

There has also been a few times I've watched the English team and wished that it was all just a conspiracy forced upon us by government officials.

And KP would be a huge Keanu fan.

Then Stranger than fiction came on. The main character is called Harold Crick.

How freaky is that.

Crick, is the word Cricket, without the et.

I know.

I have only had 4 hours sleep in the last 48 hours, I apologise for this "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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