Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Future PM is gonna get a tan

The other important selection for Australia’s trip to the Windies is that of Future PM David Hussey.

Why is it important?

If you have to ask that you are possibly on the wrong blog.

David Hussey bats like Jesus would if he were being portrayed by Charlie Bronson in a 1970’s action film.

Here at Cwb we have obviously pushed the wagon of Future PM a little further than others.

Firstly we called him Future PM.

Secondly we started a petition.

Thirdly we said lots lf nice things about him, and hardly mentioned that when he is not batting he is a touch geeky.

Unfortunately in my Bryce McGain rage injected diatribe against Beau Casson I may have overlooked the good news of FPM getting selected.

OK let’s look at the negatives, there is still no obvious spot available in the team for him, unless he opens?

The positives, he is in the squad, and who could fu©ken believe it, he is not the only Victorian there, so is Cameron White.

I am not sure if two Victorians is a plethora, but I am willing to say there is a plethora of Victorians in this squad.

He is actually in the squad, they can’t replace him unless he sleeps with Rhianna Ponting or he takes cocaine on the flight over.

Once he gets a go, he may blow everyone out of the water.

Australian cricketers who perform well in one dayers go on to play test cricket.

Now I am in no way taking credit for this promotion, my petition was pitiful. I would like to thank all of you who signed it, but David Hussey was the gun slinger, all I am is the nerdy dude who writes the town paper and gets shot in the second act by a stray bullet.

Thanks to Well Pitched for their kind words, but twas Future Pm whom did the dancing, I was merely a wall flower.www.cricketwithballs.com "Practice Sehwagology and kill the Probots"

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