Wednesday, April 30, 2008

what killed darth vader

Someone typed this into google and ended up at my site, so let me help.

Emperor Palpatine, who is like John Bracewell, asks Luke, who is like Daniel Vettori, to kill Darth Vader, who is like Stehpen Fleming, so Luke (Daniel), can be Palpatine's apprentice (Bracewell's captain).

Ok thats where the NZ references cease to make sense.

Luke decides not to kill Vader cause of the whole father thing, Palpatine being a bit dodgy, and he's a bit of a pansy.

So Palpatine tries to kill Luke, but Vader likes Luke, so he intervenes.

He throws Palpatine into a core reactor type Sci Fi thingy, but Palpatine attacks him with the lighting special effect and Darth gets mortally wounded.

There is just enough time for him to remove his helmet and for Bert Newton to say goodbye.

It's touching, camp, and a little stupid.

Also we were all disappointed to find out the coolest guy on screen ever was in fact, a middle aged white guy.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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