Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ICL wants it props

Here at cricket with balls, we like to think we are funny.

We’re not, but we like think so.

The head of the ICL, Himannshu Mody, is really a funny dude.

He has sent a please explain to Malcom Speed, he of the oddly red lips, as to why the ICL is known as the unofficial or unsanctioned 2020 tournament.

He’s taking the piss right.

I’ll tell you why it’s unofficial, Paul Nixon, Ian Harvey, Stuart Law and Adam Parore.

That’s why.

For instance if I have a cricket tournament in my back yard and I get in Andre Adams, Basit Ali, Simon Cook and Ashley Giles, it’s not an official ICC tournament, it’s just a tournament for my friends to play against former international cricketers.

The ICL must know they are no hope of getting this as an official tournament, because the BCCi won’t allow it.

Case closed.

The whole ICL nonsense has gone on long enough anyway, by signing a contract with the ICL Shane Bond was never to play with New Zealand again.

But, this year he is playing county cricket in England.

I don’t know why the ICL would want to be official, right at the moment it can compete with the IPL nicely as the other white meat.

If it were made official the IPL would swallow it whole, like Jesse Ryder on a "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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