Saturday, April 26, 2008

slap happy

According to the media, what else would it be according to, Harbhjan Singh slapped Sreesanth.

The media has not yet disclosed whether it this was a gangster slap, or a turkey slap.

There are two issues at hand here.

One is slapping.

One is male crying.

Let’s start with slapping, because I am still not ready to discuss crying.

A slap, or as some people like to refer to it, a "smack", is a broad stroke made with the open hand, as opposed to a punch that is made with a closed fist. Slaps are frequently made across the face, although are much more fun if done to a exposed buttock in the boudoir. It can be also made across hands or any other body part, and can use either the palm of the hand or the back of the hand.

A slap is typically what a man does to a woman. For two reasons, one because a punch may knock her out, and two, because he doesn’t want other people to know that he is a wife beater.

However Bhaji slapping the Howlin Wolf does not fit in that category.

So I did some research and came up with the reasons why animals slap.

1. Beavers slap their tails on the water as a danger signal. Bhaji was not in danger.

2. Female fish of the gambusia genus will slap males with their tail fins if they are over-aggressive in mating. Bhaji was probably not trying to mate with Sreesanth, as they both “allegedly” have the same sort of genitals.

3. Dolphins have been observed to slap the surface with their tails, possibly to express aggression or sexual impulses. This one is a real possibility.

4. Humpback whales will slap their tails on the surface as a warning. Males use their tails to slap other male humpbacks in mating contests. It’s all about a woman that I understand.

Personally I have never felt the need to slap a man because of my interest in the same woman, but these Indian dudes have weird rituals.

Some of them don’t eat cow.

Message to all other nationalities, not eating cow can lead to slapping and or crying.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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