Monday, April 21, 2008

Crikey, is like cricket but with different letters

The good folks at crikey, the online subversive Australian media outlet, have trolled the Super Highway and done a special little piece on Cricket Bloggers and the IPL.

Ofcourse I'm in it, otherwise I would not have mentioned it.

King cricket is in it, because they are in everything, (although I am above them and have far more column space, finally I have my revenge in a small online Australian publication).

Outside the line is in it, because like me, Crikey likes Adam Sandler.

And even Soulberry over at TCWJ gets recruited from India for the piece.

Oh and if you have never heard of Crikey, according to them they are,

Crikey is an independent online media service. Every week day we send our 10,000+ subscribers (known as the Crikey Army) an email crammed with the latest news, analysis, juicy gossip, reviews, rumours, links and prescient tips. It arrives in subscribers’ inboxes around lunchtime. All the articles from Crikey’s daily email are also posted on this website, but most of them are locked â€" you’ll need to register for a free trial or sign up for a subscription if you want to read them.

According to the mainstream media they are (unts, so you have to like "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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