Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i support the IPL and all its teams

After reading some of the comments, especially the ones written by scone eaters, I have decided to become an IPL flip flop supporter.

There are 8 teams.

And 42 days of the IPL.

I’m no mathematician, and I realise I’ve already missed some days, but let me try work this out.

If I switch now, to my Delhi dare devils, I only have 6 teams to support over the next 4 weeks or so.


Then by the time the final comes around, as long as I have supported every team, I can pick the team I think that will win.

I can’t lose, especially as I am prepared to flip flop until the final ball is played.

It’s not like these are real teams, so it shouldn’t matter to them if I disappear, it’s not like I was going to buy merchandise or anything.

There are many advantages to being a flip flopper.

You can follow your favourite players.

You can show around until something feels right.

You can support the massive underdog one day, and the favourite the next.

One day you’re a SRK fan, the next you’re a Priety Zinta fan.

The possibilities are endless, even though the list isn’t.

So go Delhi Daredevils, I support you with all my heart, for the next few days.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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