Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Deccan Chargers are rubbish

I am switching allegiances now, well not to much switching allegiances, but I am suspending allegiances until the chargers get good, or I can make my mind up between the Punjabs or the Daredevils.

I do understand that the Punjabs are sh1t too, but the Chargers are really getting on my nerves.

Last night Glenn McGrath and his love children Maharoof and Asif tormented the Chargers with something called line and length. It's an interesting theory that hasn't been fully looked into for the IPL, but ol' Pidge knows no other way.

Asif bowled particularly nice, and that is because he now has a robotic arm, like Luke Skywalker.

Maharoof, whom I complemented once before only for his form to completely disappear, is probably the nerdiest all rounder in the modern game. He runs into to bowl like a hall monitor with braces on, and he somehow geeks the batsman out, it's brilliant.

With the bat only one man was required, Virender Sehwag, Vaas had him out plumb, but the umpire had none of it, and then he had him dropped, where the fielder had none of it.

So Sehwag went on his merry way, like Friar Tuck before him.

Other things I like about my possible new team is that they have great shirts, probably my favourite shirts of of all the shirts.

OK, that's not saying much, but these shirts have a soccer/cricket hybrid thing happening and I like it.

Oh and Laxman cannot bat 3 for the Deccan Chargers anymore, he is as suited to batting at number 3 in a 2020 side, as I am writing for the Wollongong Christian scone making magazine.

Nothing to do with the game, but last night, the cheerleaders, and the naughty cameraman who gave us the best angle of all time. I think Robin Jackman had to call for the jizz mopper. "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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