Saturday, April 12, 2008

If Marlon were your dog....

My question for you to ponder on this Sunday arvo is quite simple?

If Marlon Samuels was your dog, what would you to with him?

Have him put down?

Kick him up the @ss daily?

Sit down with him and teach him about the ethics of hard work?

Send him out into the world to get a real job?

Feed him only the best cuts of cow?

Get a Pit bull and make him fight for mince meat everyday?

Get him several bitches and take one away every time he displeases you?

Get a cat?

Today Samuels comes out and makes the World Cup runners up look like a second class domestic attack.

Tomorrow he could make the same bowlers look like the Invincibles.

It looks like we will never see a consistent batsman, just flashes of great work in amongst all the crap he shovels.

But on the plus side, his good work with the chrab Chandrepaul has ensured the West Indies win the one day series.

Sure Sri Lanka never took this series seriously, but a win is a win.

Baby steps forward for the team once harshly called Tori Spelling by one cricket "Practice Sehwagology and kill the Probots"

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