Wednesday, April 23, 2008

SRK and lubed up men


Where to begin on this one.

Women taking clips catches.

Lubed up man in a wife beater facing up with a guitar.

The slogan, too hot, too cool (never just right).

Cricket pads on fire (last time I saw cricket pads in a film clip was for Beck's Sexxlaws).

The fact SRK is auditioning for the next matrix film.

And it ends with an odd looking man trying to eat their absurd logo.

Truly a masterpiece of Ed Woodian proportions.

Showed my non cricket liking friends, and they could not stop laughing, and are still running around the house yelling, too hot, too cool.

My Verdict, too hot, too cool, tutu.

If you have any other IPL videos you would like me to review pop them in the comments like Vinay "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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