Tuesday, April 29, 2008

who is on first, no no my good chap he is on second

The commentators are struggling with IPL.

Aamir Sohail and Greg Chappell obviously.

But the others are just as bad.

For the third time I saw a commentator get the team of the player he was interviewing confused.

This time it was Ramnesh Sarwan, the time before it was Sachin and before that it was some no namer whom I've forgotten.

I can't blame the commentators, too much, the teams have just not discovered their personalities yet.

So far the teams are all pretty hard to distinguish.

Mumbai has no real personality, and I have to rack my brain everytime to remember who plays for them.

Chennai is Dhoni's team, and if I remember that I remember Hayden, but the rest are a blur.

Bangalore I only remember as a publicists nightmare.

Rajasthan are Warne's team, but past him they are a blur.

Delhi has the Sehwag and Gotham City Gambir, but the team has a personality based on the fact they have a fast bowler, and two clones of him.

Kolkata is the Ganguly SRK team, who wears the bling helmets.

The KINGs XI is the team i enjoy most, because you get a few good looks at Priety and my current team.

Deccan was my team first, and I still couldn't remember who played for them, but they do have the dirtiest cheerleaders.

I think that's all of them....
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