Friday, April 25, 2008

Mal Speed ousted over lips

<p class="news-body">Malcolm Speed, the ICC chief executive, has been put on paid leave until his contract runs out on July 4.

In a brief statement, David Morgan, the ICC's president-elect, said: "This ... is the result of a fundamental result of the redness, and a number of board members, including the president, have a variety of issues that are exclusively about the redness of his lips.

Rumours had been circulating for the last month that Speed had had a serious falling-out with Ray Mali, the president, following the ICC executive's decision to ban all red lips from the boardroom.

Mali is understood to have been incensed by Speed's lips and gained support from a number of board members as he successfully moved to have Speed sidelined for the remainder of his tenure. Although his lips have emerged as the key reason for the falling-out, it is understood that Speed's recent statement that his body odour was not offensive had also been used as an excuse to get rid of him.

"We have removed him so what is left to say now," said a senior official from the anti-Speed camp, who did not wish to be identified. "We were not happy with the way he handled the lip situation, and his recent statements which implied that his odour was tolerable. There were also many who were not happy with his confrontational style of functioning, and how close he parked his car to other cars."

Haroon Lorgat, South Africa's former convenor of selectors, is lined up to succeed Speed as CEO, but said that it would not be appropriate for him to comment on the development as he is not involved with the ICC yet. "His lips are something I don't want to get into right now," Lorgat told Cricketwithballs.

Read the full story here.

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